Dengue and other vector-borne diseases are major contributors to the total global burden of disease and have profound effect, not only on health, but also on socio-economic development in resource-poor countries,” said Dr. Moh Seng Chang, entomologist of the World Health Organization (WHO) during the Dengue Summit held at Heritage Hotel Manila on 13 April 2012.
The fight against dengue requires not only financial resources, appropriate technology and political commitment, but also a strategy, operational lines of responsibility and adaptive management systems. “This inspires WHO to create a Global Strategic Framework for Integrated Vector Management (IVM),” said Dr. Chang.
IVM is a rational decision-making process for the optimal use of resources for vector control. “IVM rationalizes the use of human and financial resources, and organizational structures for the control of vector-borne diseases,” explained Dr. Chang.
Dr. Chang identified WHO’s key strategies for the global IVM framework: advocacy, social mobilization and legislation; collaboration; integrated approach on vector control; evidence-based decision making; and capacity building. “These principles should be incorporated in the national health strategies for the control of vector-borne diseases,” said Dr. Chang.
While IVM encourages a multi-disease control approach and combined systematic application of interventions, “An effective vector control (for dengue) is not the sole responsibility of the health sector. It requires collaboration with other sectors, together with public and private agencies and institutions,” said Dr. Chang.
On the other hand, Dr. Chang emphasized the significance of having a national program on IVM that will provide technical support on vector-borne disease epidemiology, surveillance and control technology, and adequate systems for program monitoring and quality control.
As a whole, the key for IVM and effective control for vector-borne diseases is collaboration and community participation,” stressed Dr. Chang.