In the past years blogging has become one of the best tools for generating traffic, both for newbie and for advanced internet marketers. Blogging offers you a simple yet resourceful way of building and sustaining customer relationships. With an informative blog, you can have consistent listings that will appear prominently on search engines.
Nail your target markets through “keywords”
Whatever niche keyword or phrase you come up with, you should enter that into the “tag” section of your blog. This will help people in finding you with ease. Google always ranks on popularity and relevancy, and by putting your keyword phrase in the title and the entire post, you can make it more relevant to Google searches.
Here we are providing few basic blogging tips for beginners…
* First, it is important to determine why you need a blog. Are you interested in promoting a service or a product? Or, you just want to share your expertise with others. Either way, you can easily create your blog for free.
* Second, you will be able to attract more attention by being humorous and entertaining. Although you may think you are not entertaining or funny, but even little quirks about your personality can be entertaining for your readers. So try to be yourself!
* Third, you should figure out right from the beginning who would be your target audience. That is, you must figure out your target market. How might show interest in your services or products? You should also research on your niche keywords that users might enter in search engines to find your services or products and use them liberally in your content.
* Spell check- You may lose your blog readers if you fail to proofread your posts. Aside from looking unprofessional, if your posts have lots of grammar and spelling errors, then people would not read further and may leave your blog. You just need to check your posts on word processor to make sure that your readers understand all that you want to convey to them.
* You should not use dark colored background in your blog because your readers won’t be able to read anything on your blog. Having too many flashy items and colors on your blog may actually turn them away. Aside from that, make sure that your font size is also small and easy to read. Just keep everything simple.
Blogging tips for all those who want to earn money from blogging…
* Viral syndication is important for increasing online visibility of your blog. You can achieve this by posting link to your blog on social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter. An easy trick would be to open a free account with or You can shoot off your post to over 40 social media sites with a click of mouse.
Once you are successful in getting listed on page one of Google, you will start getting tons of traffic from Google. With so many organic backlinks, your rank would further shoot up on all search engines! (Siddharta Rahut)
About the Author: Siddharta Rahut is himself a regular blogger and a contributor to His articles on blogging sites are really popular.